It seems I had to put everything on hold to work on my taxes and get ready for an upcoming show. I did find the time to see
L.A. video: Uncensored at the
Getty-my friend is on the program cover. There was a warning on the program stating that the program contains content that may be offensive to some viewers and the museum offered to refund parking vouchers to anyone who wanted to leave, so I was well prepared to be shocked and offended. Either I'm more jaded than I realized, but I was relieved that most of the videos were more playful than offending.

I also went to see
Tula Telfair's grand scale paintings - ranging from 60 x 60' to 72x 92 1/2" - at the
Forum Gallery. The exhibit felt very airy and magical in a very grounded way-if that makes any sense. This exhibit continues through May 30th.

And I'm still working along on new paintings-here's one: