At Fat Over Lean* life imitates art, which suits me well since I have an endless fascination with both. I can’t help being enchanted about the world when there’s so much beauty to see and mystery to experience.
Here you can find surprising tips to save you time in the studio, such as why I never have to clean my brushes. You can read about landscape painting adventures; I once rented a helicopter to drop me in a ravine to capture the perfect mountainside. You are invited to have a sneak peak as I paint in oil and watercolor what I consider the absolute essentials of landscape painting: the indescribable qualities of light and mood.
As an artist, I’ve been known to indulge in solitude but my inner extrovert needs to be fed often and the door is open for discussion on any number of topics. Feel free to post a comment; everyone is free to express an opinion – as long as it is respectful to others. Or, if you prefer, email me.
*Fat Over Lean is the original title of this blog. It refers to a painting term reminding artists to paint the oilier more flexible layers of paint over the stiffer, faster drying bottom layers, to prevent cracking.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Bolton Hall Museum Gift Shop
The Bolton Hall Museum Gift Shop is a great place to do your holiday shopping! Carrying a wide range of unique items, all are created l...

Picking up where I left off in the post below - this is what I came up with to track artwork inventory. I modeled this form after the ar...
Marsh - Boat graphite on paper 4 x 6" ©2011 Katherine Kean This drawing is being worked into a painting. I may have decided...
"Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play and pray, where nature heals and give strength to body and soul alike." ...